ICANN, a non-profit corporation that is still ultimately at the behest of the US Department of Commerce, has faced challenges before to the way it is organised, most notably from a European attempt to put it under the control of the United Nations. icann这个非营利性组织说到底仍听命于美国商务部,它进行管理的方式就曾遭到过挑战,特别是欧洲,就试图要将之置于联合国的控制之下。
The first innovation is that to divide many Taiwan non-profit organizations related to information industry into two categories, which are foundation and corporation, and to research them respectively. 第一点创新是将台湾与信息产业相关的众多非营利组织依据性质,分为财团法人与社团法人两类,并分别对两类组织在促进产业和经济发展方面的不同作用进行了研究和比较。